1.AdBlueOBD2 For B-ENZ
2.AdBlueOBD2 For IV-ECO
3. AdBlueOBD2 For D-AF
4. AdBlueOBD2 For M-AN
5. AdBlueOBD2 For SCA-NIA
6. AdBlueOBD2 For Com-mins
7. AdBlueOBD2 For Vo-lvo
Adblue Emulator forSca-niaEuro6 :
Not need to be leaming, you have to mount emulator in the plug of the EEC(AdBlue)ECU(in the pink one),Yon can find EEC ecu ta the center of the vehicle frame.Two big plugs(one is pink) in this manual you will find pin mumber of the EEC plug,also colours cables of EEC and Emulator.
Adblue Emulator for Sca-nia Euro6:
Emulator for S-ca-nia Euro 6 not need to be leaming
You have to mount emulator in the plug of the EEC(AdBlue)ECU(in the pink one),Yon can find EEC ecu ta the center of the vehicle frame.Two big plugs(one is pink)
in this manual you will find pin mumber of the EEC plug,also colours cables of EEC and Emulator.
Connect wires of the emulator with this table as reference:
Red(Vcc)-PIN 12 (green) Cut the cable after connect emulator to truck side
Black (GND)-PIN 4 (fat black)
Yellow (CAN H)-PIN 22 (orange)
Green (CAN l)-PIN 19 (fat black)
AdBlue Emulator Installation ForMerc-edes Be-nzEURO6:
Behind fuses in the middle is a plug- as in the price (not right like in manual-correct is middle)
Connnection colors-White(Emulator side) with Blue (Truck side) with White (Truck side)
Red wire from emulator connection with any(+)after ignition
Black i GND
Next step is remove Fuse
F23 Thats all
For Merc-edes Atego Euro 6 AdBlue Remove Emulator Installation:
You must locate the ACm Module and remove the socket.
The cable should be installed as shown in the picture below.
Emulator White cable(CAN H) ----->Atego vehicle socket 10 pin(CAN H)
Emulator Brown cable (CAN L) -----> Atego vehicle socket 20 pin (CAN L)
Emulator Red (+) ----->Atego vehicle Positive(+)Cable
Emulator Black(-) ----->Atego vehicle GND (-)
After installation, you must remove errors with fault detecting device.
The For Mercedes DTC fault code eraser can also be used to erase the fault in your Atego vehicle
You will not mount the socket back into the ACM module Isolate the Atego ACh nodule without damage.
You should definitely cancel the DPF after installing the AdBlue Removal Emulator:
Adblueobd2 Emulator forM-A-NEuro6 is specially for M-a-n Truck Euro6.
EURO6 AdBlue Emulators Disable System:
AdxBlue system (Fully)
AdxBlue NOX sensor
DPF system
DPF temperature sensors
DPF regeneration
After installing Euro6 Emulator, you can remove:
DPF sensors – YES
NOx sensor – YES (only in DAF don't remove first NOx sensor !!!)
Adblue temp. sensor (s) – YES
Adblue pump – YES
Adblue level sensor – YES
Adblue ECU – YES
Kindly note: It is possible to disable AdxBlue system by installing an AdxBlue emulator (programmable device) into the vehicle. You can switch it on/off anytime.
EURO6 AdBlue Emulators using guide:
Emulator For M-a-n Euro 6 does not need to be learned. You install emulator under the metal cover of AdBlue Pump on the right side behind the cab, and disconnect plug from AdBlue Pump and connect emulator.
Next, you need to remove the fuses:
F894(Multisensor In AdBlue tank)
F738 (+30 Signal of AdBlue pump)
F1084 (NOx sensor Upstream)
Fuse F737 is now fuse of emulator.
Fuse F1109 is the fuse of NOx sensor Downstream and A1191 mufler temperature sensor. This sensor needs to work correctly for DPF regeneration.
Finally, you need to remove Power from NOx downstream sensor. There are two ways options, one is to cut pin 1 in NOx sensor plug, the other way (better) is to remove pin 10 in X3212 plug. This plug is visible on rear of engine on the right side. This is TE plug (16 pin) with yellow key.
Package List:
1pc x Adblue Emulator For Euro6