Conector and Addapters for Xhorse VVDI Prog ECU Programmer
This link contains all adapters used for VVDI PROG device.
Details: Xhorse VVDI Prog MC9S12 Reflash Cable, ECU Reflash Cable, MCU Reflash Cable, EEPROM Clip Adapter. PCF79XX adapter, Bosch adapter, M35080/D80 Adapter, EWS3 Adapter, EWS4 Adapter. MC68HC05X32(QFP64) adapter, MC68HC05BX(PLCC52) adapter, TMS370 (PLCC28\PLCC44\PLCC68) adapter, AM29FxxxB adapter. DB15-DB25 connector. and 15pcs solder-free adapters.
The price is for a single adapter. If you need all the adapters listing in this link, please contact us for a better quote
Details: Xhorse VVDI Prog MC9S12 Reflash Cable, ECU Reflash Cable, MCU Reflash Cable, EEPROM Clip Adapter. PCF79XX adapter, Bosch adapter, M35080/D80 Adapter, EWS3 Adapter, EWS4 Adapter. MC68HC05X32(QFP64) adapter, MC68HC05BX(PLCC52) adapter, TMS370 (PLCC28\PLCC44\PLCC68) adapter, AM29FxxxB adapter. DB15-DB25 connector. and 15pcs solder-free adapters.
The price is for a single adapter. If you need all the adapters listing in this link, please contact us for a better quote
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